Welcome to the Grey Foundation


There is a common misperception that the Grey Schools are wealthy and not in need of funding. The magnificent school grounds and buildings foster a perception of Grey being a private school with private school funding. Running the operations of The Grey and maintaining the campuses in pristine condition requires significant funding, not to mention investment in bursaries, scholarships and specialised facilities and equipment for music and sporting activities.

The Department of Education’s (DoE) funding contribution to the schools is hopelessly inadequate to sustain the high standards of excellence maintained by the schools. As a result there is a growing pressure to charge higher school fees. Less than half the academic and maintenance staff at the schools are funded by the DoE. The DoE’s contribution to campus maintenance is about R100 000 per annum, which would hardly refurbish 2 classrooms per year. The Grey Schools are almost entirely reliant on school fees to fund the required operations. While the Grey Schools have an excellent fee paying culture, any significant fee increases could force parents to default, which would lead to a disastrous financial situation.

The establishment of The Grey Foundation provides professional fundraising, management, marketing and branding expertise to The Grey. Its goal is to build a significant financial fund to generate annuity income to ensure that the ethos, values, traditions and infrastructure of The Grey remain intact for current and future generations of Grey boys. The Grey Foundation is committed to the efficient utilisation of all collected and distributed funds and applies strict governance and commercial management principles in all its activities. The Grey Foundation Trust is a registered charitable trust – NPO Registered No. 059/923/NPO.

Donations made to the Grey Foundation Trust are eligible for a tax deduction (up to 10% of your annual taxable income). Please consult your tax adviser for assistance with planning your giving.

Invest in Grey’s Future
The Grey Foundation aims to ensure that the Grey Schools are financially secure for future generations. The Grey motto of Tria Juncta In Uno is significant, as it symbolises Body, Mind and Spirit, which all represent the core values of our mission, and the funds raised will be disbursed in what we refer to as the 5 Pillars of Investment.

We look forward to welcoming you into The Grey donor family.


The Role of the Grey Foundation

A key role of the Grey Foundation is to act as a single point of contact for donors as well as ensuring that fundraising, marketing and branding messages are presented consistently and professionally across the board. Another important goal of the Foundation is to ensure that the Schools continue to attract the best and most dedicated teachers, who appreciate the traditions and Christian ethos of the Grey Schools.

The Grey Foundation, established by the Old Greys’ Union, aims to assist the Schools with the critical function of fundraising as well as to provide financial assistance via a substantial investment portfolio. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees has representatives from the Junior school, the High school, Old Greys’ Union and independant prominent Old Greys which ensures that all key interests are represented.

The office of The Grey Foundation is located ‘neath the clock tower on the Grey High campus.

The Foundation Mission

Mission Statement:

To enhance educational opportunities, promote excellence in education and provide resources for new projects outside of the normal operating budget in order to facilitate student achievement and skill development and to recognize and encourage staff excellence through the provision of a structured mechanism for support by Old Grey’s (parents of Grey & ex-Grey pupils), Corporate and Private partners.

The Foundation Objectives

The Grey Foundation’s primary objectives are:

  • To enrich the educational experience for all learners and provide opportunities for disadvantaged students.
  • To offer financial support for existing or newly created programmes, new equipment or facilities and capital improvement projects.
  • To provide a structure to manage funds that Old Greys may wish to bequeath to enhance the learning opportunities for current and future Grey boys.
  • To inspire Old Greys, Parents and businesses to support the Grey schools through cash or gift in kind donations, sponsorships and advertising.
  • Provide annuity income to support:
    1. Bursaries and Scholarships for deserving pupils
    2. Bursaries to Grey pupils wanting to become educators
    3. Salary subventions for educators
  • Create and grow an Infrastructure Development Fund to be used for the funding of infrastructure and maintenance.
  • Create and grow a Technology Development Fund to provide access to new technology in the classrooms.