The Grey Publications

[heading size=”h4″]The Grey High School Year Book [/heading]Printed Per Annum and delivered to all boys and parents of the school. An opportunity to promote your business to the entire Grey community, including parents, Old Boys globally. Quality, Full Colour publication designed to reflect the excellence of The Grey.

[heading size=”h4″]The Grey Matter [/heading]Since 1957, the magazine is the schools A4 Full Colour In-House Termly magazine and is delivered to all boys and parents of the school at the end of each term. It is an aesthetically-pleasing, insightful and dynamic digest of Grey’s news and views produced by the boys themselves.

[heading size=”h4″]The Grey Boys’ Pocket Term Calendar [/heading]Reach every Grey High School boy on a DAILY basis ! Each Grey boy is issued with a 48 page Term Calendar Pocket Book which fits neatly in the blazer pocket. Used as a continual reference tool by the boys, it carries important daily information, weekly planners, test schedules, floor plans etc. Only 7 adverts available per term!

[heading size=”h4″]D6 Communicator Advertising – reach 800,000 Users [/heading]Obtain more business exposure while simultaneously helping your school to raise funds. The D6 Communicator, used by parents at schools, is allowing companies to leverage from the platform as an opportunity to build brand awareness and product demand for your business. Your brand can reach up to 800,000 unique users from 2300 schools nationally. 

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