Memories with the Class of 1967 by Neil Anderson

This is an invitation from the 10D woodworkers of 1967 that was given to staff for dinner at the Beach Hotel. The invitation was received when teachers went to wish them well before their final exams. They would not allow us to pay for anything and a great evening was had by all!

The woodworkers were: Robert Carswell, John Featherstone, Iain Judd, Reg Nevay, Ian Pringle, Bob Stedman, Butch Grewar (non-woodworker), Bart Das, John Green, Eddie Minnaar, Dougie Pearson, Chris Shinn and Steve Vorster.

At their 25th Reunion held in the Rectory Garden in 1992, I called the woodworkers, together with their wives, and showed them a copy of the original invitation. They could not believe that I still had it.

When my wife passed away in August of 2020 I received phone calls and messages from 8 of the class. That says something about class spirit!

Reunion Photo from left: (Myself) Neil Anderson, Bart Das, Reg Nevay, Robert Carswell, Bob Stedman, John Featherstone, Ian Pringle, Butch Grewar, John Green. Seated in front: Iain Judd and Eddie Minnaar

Thank you Class of 1967 for such wonderful memories.
