The Foundation Objectives

[heading size=”h2″ style=”uk-module-title”]The Foundation [highlight]Objectives[/highlight][/heading]The Grey Foundation’s primary objectives are:

  • To enrich the educational experience for all learners and provide opportunities for disadvantaged students.
  • To offer financial support for existing or newly created programmes, new equipment or facilities and capital improvement projects.
  • To provide a structure to manage funds that Old Greys may wish to bequeath to enhance the learning opportunities for current and future Grey boys.
  • To inspire Old Greys, Parents and businesses to support the Grey schools through cash or gift in kind donations, sponsorships and advertising.
  • Provide annuity income to support:

 a) Bursaries and Scholarships for deserving pupils

 b) Bursaries to Grey pupils wanting to become educators

 c) Salary subventions for educators

  •  Create and grow an Infrastructure Development Fund to be used for the funding of infrastructure and maintenance.
  • Create and grow a Technology Development Fund to provide access to new technology in the classrooms.