The Grey Foundation’s trust is registered as a Section 18A Non-Profit Organisation (NPO). South African taxpayers are eligible for a tax deduction (up to 10% of your annual taxable income (subject to SARS rules)) for donations towards The Grey Foundation Trust.
The following payment methods are available:
Online Donations secure payment page
Simply go to the secure online donations page and pay by Debit Order or by using a Bank Card.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) (South Africa)
Once-off or Annual donations can be made by direct deposit into our bank account.
Simply complete the form above and return to us at
A Section 18A Tax Certificate will be issued and sent to the donor once the deposit has reflected in our account.
Cash deposit or cheque (South Africa)
Account name: The Grey Foundation Trust
Standard Bank
Branch: Rink Street
Branch code: 050 417 00
Account: 08 029 0086
Reference: Please use your initials and surname as reference
Kindly send notification of your deposit to – so that we may process acknowledgement and receipt.
Postal address: The Grey Foundation, Private Bag X0002, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6070
Physical address: The Grey Foundation, c/o Grey High School, College Drive, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001