It only takes two Old Greys to meet up anywhere to make it a convivial occasion and here we have six from the Class of 1967!

Seated from the left are: Kevin Large, Doug Harrison, Gavin Brereton, Ian Pringle, John Featherstone and in the front James Coates
The talk over the meal ranged from the hilarious, the unbelievable and the serious. The hilarious being for John to admit that in his entire time at The Grey, he only passed Maths in his Matric Finals. Plum Lubbe would have been proud of him! The unbelievable being that at a teenage party in Summerstrand Smokey Harrison ( also of the 1967 Class ) downed the odd goldfish – but then we all knew Smokey so aptly named! The serious was a full-on arranged fight during one break time in the changing rooms between the odds on favourite Viv Spindler who took on Lionel Lloyd but was badly beaten up. That flamboyant Summerstrand lifesaver was not made out what he was supposed to be!
Old Greys in Cape Town attend an annual lunch and Thursday 12 September 2024 is the designated date for this year. Details will follow
-Ian Pringle