Caribbean Old Greys online gathering

As part of The Old Grey Americas outreach to Old Greys to raise awareness of the state of the Schools and engage with them, we hosted a Zoom call with Old Greys in Bermuda on Saturday, 19 October. Attendees included Bron Turner (2004), Dave Horan (1990), Phil Karp (2013),  Rich Hinwood (1999), Andrew Church (2008) and Jason Rousseau (2012). Kelvin Allwright (1989) was unable to attend as he was getting married at the same time.

Grey Foundation Chairman, Andrew Bradley, was able to attend and brought the group up to speed on the Music and Arts Center project as well as outlining the financial challenges facing the Schools and the steps the Foundation is taking to address this vexing issue. There was excellent interactive discussion enjoyed by all. Within two days of the call, Dave grabbed the reins and set up a WhatsApp group as well as organized a braai for early in the New Year. Well done!

Other successful regional outreach gatherings have taken place in Boston and Philadelphia – both of which are planned to be repeated before year-end. We are also working on extending this outreach to the Los Angeles area and Canada. In addition, we are considering hosting a national “town hall” in the first quarter of 2025. This would provide Andrew Bradley with the opportunity to bring US-based Old Greys up to date on all things affecting the Schools as well as the status of the Grey Foundation. 

The Grey Foundation Americas remains committed to two primary goals:

1. Building relationships and re-engagement with Old Greys in our region

2. Identifying Americas-located Old Greys that are not on our records

If you are not receiving US-based communications, kindly notify the Union office by email

John Wannenburg

Chairman of The Grey Foundation Americas